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Jan 12, 2025

When the officer arrived on the scene of the robbery, he asked the teller to describe the person who held up the bank, such as the gender, height, weight and any noticeable features to tell the authorities. This seems straight forward and clear. But we know that how a person’s identity is determined has been under assault for some time. It’s not just recently that there has been such confusion swirling around the concept of identity. The enemy of our soul who deeply desires to destroy the image of God in his creation has been constantly challenging one’s identity. 

Devil said, “If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels to protect you. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.” Matt 4:6

The enemy is tempting Jesus with “if you are the Son of God” questioning and pressing him to step out of his true identity and abuse his purpose. Are you really who you say you are? Should you not have the freedom to make your own decisions? This has been one of the tactics of the enemy against each of us as well. To challenge us not to accept our place in life, our history, our past and even our gender, but choose for ourselves. The path to greater freedom and strength is to embrace acceptance and couple it with bravery. To shift blame or denounce your past experiences, family origin or the hand you were dealt, only sets you up to repeat them and stay in denial. Honest acceptance gives you the power to deal head on with those pains, mistakes and shortcomings, and find the grace of redemption of Jesus. We can then bloom where we are planted and our story is relatable and authentic.